:Title Search And Rescue Escort :Description Helicopters: 2 :Para Targets: Aircraft, Air defenses :Para Weapons: 16 Hellfire :Para Take-off time: 20:30 :Para Flight time: 12 mins :Para Weather: Overcast :Para The allies have located six pilots shot down over enemy territory. You are required to escort a Black Hawk helicopter to pick them up under the cover of darkness. Although none of the areas have any known air defenses, the enemy have been using beacons from captured airmen to set up ambushes. :Outstanding All of the stranded pilots were rescued with the enemy ambushes being located and destroyed. Relatives of the survivors have praised the Apache crews, :Success Most of the stranded pilots were found with the enemy ambushes being dealt with effectively. :Failure The loss of the Black Hawk helicopter and the capture of all of those on board means that your incompetence has resulted in the loss of more allied pilots. :EOF